Harvard Business School Executive Education Program for Family Offices
“Genomics in the Family Office“, a case study co-authored by Dr. Stangler with Professor Lauren Cohen was taught to a global audience at Harvard Business School Executive Education Program for Family Offices.

Institute for Private Investors | Campden Wealth Spring Forum | NYC
“Reimagining Longevity: Epigenetic Engineering” simultaneously addressed both health span and investment portfolios in a time of extreme market volatility.

Institute for Private Investors | Campden Wealth Winter Forum | Wharton Business School West
“Reimagining Longevity: Epigenetic Engineering” focused on agency and action in this era of great economic disruption.

Keynote: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
“Reimagining Medicine: Epigenetic Engineering, was a keynote address presented by Dr. Stangler at the 29th Annual World Congress of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) in Las Vegas.

Epigenetics in the Family Enterprise
Conversation with Nike Anani of the Connected Generation Podcast about “The Impact of Epigenetics on NextGen Family Office and Enterprise”.

Using Epigenetics to Optimize Your Wellbeing From the Inside Out
Podcast with Louise Mobray, Conscious Leadership Consultant of Mobray by Design about transformative epigenetics, biologic clocks and healthy longevity.

Tools for Optimal Performance
In “Strategies and Tools for Optimal Performance” Dr. Stangler addressed with C200 and AccessCircles the science of change and actionable practices to foster neuroplasticity and deep learning.

Genomics and Epigenetics: New Tools to Promote Family Legacy
“Imagine a seemingly healthy 35-year-old family member assumes the CEO position of a global family enterprise. On the second day of his tenure, he sustains a cardiac arrest and dies immediately. Could the risk of his tragic death have been mitigated using currently available actionable DNA science of genomics? … The answer is resoundingly YES”.

Engineer Your Health With Epigenetics
“Engineer Your Health With Epigenetics”. An interview by David Harry Stewart of The Ageist podcast series “SuperAge: Live Better”.

What Does Madonna Know About Her Genes That You Don’t?
“When Madonna performs, she reportedly engages a sterilization team to sweep, mop and wipe every surface of her dressing room, so that no trace of her DNA is left for surreptitious analysis, cloning or experimentation … Is Madonna paranoid? Or smart? You decide…”

I Donated My DNA To Help Stop Coronavirus
“Genetics may help us answer critical questions to the infinite mysteries about the novel Covid-19 virus…But individuals who volunteer their DNA for analysis must be protected against discrimination, denial of medical insurance, and loss of employment”.

Genes: On the Agenda for Cutting Edge Families
“This is not an article about genomics or DNA science. This is an article about families – what they need to flourish and thrive. Over the next decade, families, entrepreneurs and family enterprise will gain increasing access to the cutting-edge science of genomics to make informed decisions around health, risk and legacy. However, many of these choices will be complex and unprecedented, rife with ethical ambiguity”.

COVID-19: Is “60” the New “70”?
“On March 6, 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that older adults – defined as age 60 and above – should ‘stay at home as much as possible’ due to coronavirus. This virus doesn’t care how old you feel.”

Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Not So Little White Lies
“Direct-to-consumer genetic tests are rife with over-promise, hype and potential to harm. Whole genome sequencing offers a safer, superior alternative technology to understand our genes…but is not without risks and challenges. There is wonder in our genes. Let us get to know them with the respect they, and we, deserve.”

Prestel & Partner NYC Family Office Forum
“Genomics and Its Impact on Families of Wealth” was addressed at Prestel and Partner Family Office Forum at the Harvard Club in New York City.

Harvard Business School MBA Program
“Between Two Minds: The Staglin Family” a case study co-authored by Dr. Stangler and Professor Lauren Cohen was debuted. The study addressed succession in One Mind, the profoundly successful Staglin Family brain health non-profit enterprise.
“There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
“Come, acquire wisdom. Cling to learning and never let it go. Observe it well, for it is your life.”
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”